Langmeier Backup FAQ

Expert Tips: What is backup? Good Data Backup

Simples Kopieren ist kein Backup. Aber was ist ein Backup? Wir erklären Ihnen den Backup-Begriff und geben Tipps.A RAID hard disk array as a possible backup medium.

Langmeier Backup is a backup program. But what is a backup? And how do I make a backup correctly and professionally? In data processing, the term "backup" is synonymous with "backup copy". But a single copy of a file is not yet a backup, because backup involves more: it is a systematic process. For example, a backup worthy of the name requires at least three copies on different data carriers.

The data carriers on which backups are executed and stored are called backup media.

  • The ultimate goal of any data backup is to be able to restore the data from the backup at any time. Consequently, one of the most important things about a backup is to regularly test the backup and restore process and thus practice the emergency - the loss of files - without taking a risk.

The sources of error when creating a backup can be very diverse. A full backup medium, a defective drive or a drive with a loose contact; and great is the danger that the "data backup" fails. To reduce this danger, companies are increasingly using two completely independent backup systems. And there is a clearly responsible backup administrator. This is the person in the company who is responsible for the smooth execution of the backups. At regular intervals, this person checks the backup logs, and randomly restores files from backup, thus also practicing the "backup and restore" process on a regular basis.

The 3-2-1 backup rule

In order for a backup to really qualify as a backup, you should follow the 3-2-1 rule when creating a backup.

The rule goes like this:

  • 3: Minimum three copies
  • 2: On at least two different data carriers
  • 1: One backup stored off-site
Today, there are modern technologies that allow you to keep a backup off-site. These are more convenient and secure than the ominous "carry it home in a suitcase". The options range from full server replication, for example via Synology NAS disk stations, to online backup to a third-party cloud.

What is a backup? We will be happy to advise you according to your individual needs.

If, after reading this article, you have now set yourself the goal of taking the topic of backup and data protection a little more seriously, then remember that Langmeier Software offers a backup tool for this purpose. Our customer service team will be happy to discuss your specific requirements. Or you can test the free 30-day demo version of Langmeier Backup yourself.

Important advantages of the Langmeier Backup program

  • Easy to use and flexible - usable with or without administrator rights
  • Creates disk images and also backs up individual files
  • Fast and secure backup
  • Easy backup and restore
  • Verification of backup copy
  • Stayindependent: restore your files without the software
  • Support included: one year free support from Switzerland

Langmeier Backup

Backup for Windows

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Backup software for Windows

About the Author
Founder and CEO of Langmeier Software

I don't want to complicate anything. I don't want to develop the ultimate business software. I don't want to be listed in a top technology list. Because that's not what business applications are about. It's about making sure your data is seamlessly protected. And it's about making sure everything runs smoothly while you maintain full control and focus on growing your business. Simplicity and reliability are my guiding principles and inspire me every day.

Further lookup: Backup, Backup Concept, Backup software, Langmeier Backup

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This article covers:
What is a backup
Backup Software
What is a "backup"?