Langmeier Backup FAQ
No backup mishap: wake up drive before backing up
It can happen that a drive should be "woken up" before backing up to it with the backup software because the drive is in sleep mode for example. The following VB script can be run before a backup and thus "wakes up" the drive. Under path you have to specify the drive letter of the backup drive.
'-> 2. Wait time in seconds 'Variables. 'Set objects. 'Open file. 'Wait. Note: Since Langmeier Backup version 8.1.53, this script is no longer necessary. A NAS that has fallen asleep is now automatically woken up. Articles relevant to the topicWhich backup type is the best choice for my data?This is how important data backup is in real life The pros and cons of the different Windows file systems This article covers:Wake up driveWake up drive |