Langmeier Backup

This is how it works: Online backup with Langmeier Backup

On our blog, we always make you aware in various articles how important it is to have a backup after backing up offsite. But if you do this with a hard drive, you always have to remember to take it back to the store or home and re-record it. Or you have several hard disks or other backup media like tapes in use.

It would be much easier to make an online backup and back it up to the cloud. After uploading the backup, the data is safe off-site on the cloud storage. Langmeier Software offers its own data storage in the cloud with aBusiness Suite, which is specially optimized for backup and archiving.

Such a cloud backup is designed to be simple. You set it up once. After that, it's up and running - provided, of course, you set it up accordingly. We recommend that you set up the online backup automatically.

Here we explain step by step, including screenshots, how to set up your personal online data backup or cloud backup with Langmeier Backup.

Jump directly to setting up online data backup.

Preparation before you can switch your backup to online

Upgrade to the latest free version

Langmeier Software always releases free updates in between the main paid releases. Run this update, or your online backup may not work.

Click on "Help" and then on Update:

You will now be taken to a special update page from Langmeier Software. If an update suggestion appears there, follow the instructions and install the update.

If the message "Your program version is up to date" appears, you can start directly with the setup of the online data backup.

Jump directly to setting up the online data backup.

Set up online backup with Langmeier Backup

Click on "Set up":

In the window that opens, click on "New" - if you want it to be a new backup job - and then on "Add". You now have the choice between the following options:

  • Folders and Files
  • E-mail and Internet bookmarks
  • Documents, media files and desktop
  • All images
  • Disk image

You can also add several options one below the other, for example, you might want to back up your computer's most important data, plus email and Internet bookmarks. Then just click "Add" twice and set up both before continuing.

Tip: If you click on "Documents, Media and Desktop", all standard Windows folders will be added to the backup. A handy thing!

Now click on "Next" at the bottom right.

In the next window, click "To an online backup server / To FTP server", then click "Next":

use a Langmeier Software Partner's Backup Server", then click "Next" again:

select "aBusiness Suite" or another Langmeier Backup data storage partner - then click "Create new account". In our example, we use Langmeier Software's own aBusiness Suite as our backup storage.

Click on "Buy now":

Now proceed to checkout and pay for the purchased amount of Internet storage. Once the order is successfully completed, a window will appear with the message "We have received your order." Within 24 hours, you should now receive the online storage details you need for Langmeier Backup.

Remember to save your newly created or modified order so that you can find it again when you continue.

Set up online backup with Langmeier Backup - continued

Open the correct backup job and then click on "Options", "Online Backup":

Now you are back in the "Set up online backup" menu item.

Click on "Use backup server of a Langmeier software partner", then again on "Next":

As "Backup server", select the company or provider with which you created the online storage account. In the case of this tutorial, it is "aBusiness Suite".

Now fill in your data received from the partner company under "Username" and "Password".

We recommend you to save your data encrypted. To do this, you need to set a password and enter it in the "Password for encryption" field. To do this, click on "Change password" and enter your password twice there.

Make sure you remember your encryption password months and years from now if you ever need to recover a file in an emergency, because you won't be able to open it without a password.

When everything is filled in, the window will look like this. Now click on "Next":

Now click "Ok" to close the global settings.

Langmeier Backup is now connected to the provider of your choice, in the case of this example aBusiness Suite.

Now you still have to change the backup destination of your job to "online". To do this, click on "Set up":

Click "Next."

Select "To online storage" in the "Select backup destination" window and then click "Next":

In the next window, select "Langmeier Backup Online Storage" and click "Next":

In the next window, which you had already filled out completely before, check the information again and then click on "Next".

In the next window "Give the backup a name" also check the information again and then click on "Next".

In the window "The backup is set up" click on "Finish".

If "Online storage" appears everywhere as the destination in the main window that now appears, you have done everything correctly:

In the case of online backup, it makes sense to set up a scheduled backup. In the case of this example, as soon as the computer starts, we start the online backup automatically. To see all the options available to you, go to Langmeier Backup Help.

Automate online backup

You want to start the backup automatically so you don't have to worry about it. To do this, click on "Schedule":

In the new window that opens, click Add:

Select "Immediately after computer startup", check that under Job is your job name - in the case of this example, "online backup" - and click Save:

Your scheduled backup now appears in the window. At the same time, it now has a Langmeier Backup icon at the bottom right of the Windows menu, since the job was started immediately and Langmeier Backup is now active in the background.

Close the window:

If you look at the icons at the bottom right, you will notice that Langmeier Backup continues to work on your backup in the background.

Congratulations! You have now completely set up your online backup, including scheduling.

Checking the status of your online backup

Click once on the Langmeier Backup icon at the bottom right with the left mouse button. A small box will appear, informing you of the backup status:

Restore data from online backup

If the emergency has occurred or you want to test whether the backup has worked, you can restore the files. In a test case, you can also restore them to another folder to check if everything worked. Note that the online backup will take a long time in the initial case, because all the files have to be uploaded first. Once all files are uploaded, Langmeier Backup will keep the data up to date or synchronized according to your settings.

Click on Restore Wizard:

Select "Restore files from online storage" and click Next:

Select all the files you want to restore or just select "Select all files". Then click on "Next":

In the next window, you can still select if you want the data restored to an earlier point in time. This requires that you have selected the historized backup for the job. Click on "Next":

Now select the "destination of the restored files":

If it's an emergency, select "Restore files to their original location".

If it is a restore test, select "Restore files to a specified directory".

Then click "Finish."

The following window will appear:

At the end, the following window appears. In the case of the example here, error messages came up because we had not waited until the online backup was complete for the first time:

About the Author Alexander Vogt
1st and 2nd level support

Our solutions make it easy to set up automations to minimize your workload and take efficiency to a new level. Every day, we strive to deliver peak performance and support you. As the leader for 1st and 2nd level support, I am your best point of contact for questions related to the implementation of our applications.



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This article covers:
Set up online backup
Online Backup
Start online data backup
Set up online backup