
Customized trial versions for our resellers

We are not interested in traffic, clicks, online time or any other metrics. We want to reach customers with the backup program Langmeier Backup and of course convince as many of them as possible of our product.If you distribute our software trial versions, then you are also entitled to the margin. With our customized trial versions, we make that possible.

In detail, the distribution models of the various software vendors differ, but let's be honest: Except for the terms used, little has changed since the first vacuum cleaner salesmen went door to door many decades ago. Someone is selling something on behalf of someone else and getting a commission for it. Our new reseller option changes that, at least in part. Of course, we too focus on compensation for a successful sale, but with our customized software trial versions, we offer our resellers an added bonus. A customized software trial directs new customers to your website and helps you retain your existing customers.

How does it work?

The exact procedure is described here, we don't need to repeat it here. The gist of it is that you can easily generate a setup file of the trial version of our Langmeier Backup that is inextricably linked to your company. This leads the user to your company website in two different ways. In the trial version, the menu item „About Langmeier Backup“ contains your company logo, which is linked to your website. In addition, the user will be redirected to your website if he decides to continue using Langmeier Backup and purchase a license key. The purchase is handled through your website. Of course, you can make as many copies of your version of the setup as you want and distribute them any way you want.

Prerequisites for Participation

To receive a customized trial version, you must present Langmeier Backup in a suitable form on your website and ensure sufficient availability so that the customer can purchase his license at any time.

Cooperation instead of competition

Perhaps the simplest way to describe the basic idea of this opportunity is by this short headline. We are not interested in traffic, clicks, online time or any of the other metrics that website owners are so eager to measure these days and then convince themselves that these things alone say anything about their success. We want to reach customers and of course convince as many of them as possible of our product. And we know that there are many successful dealers out there who can help us do that. That's why we have no interest whatsoever in redirecting your customers to our website with any links. We put the sales process completely in your hands, because you have proven that you can do it! For you as a reseller, a customized trial version of Langmeier Backup combines the advantages of online trading and affiliate marketing. You appear to your customers as a merchant without having to pre-fund products or take any other risks.

So, here we go: To start making money soon, join us and distribute our trials customized to you. After that, relax, and wait for the resulting full version conversions.

Start here

Contact our support if you still have questions

About the Author Sebastian Müller
Partner support

Sebastian Müller is partner and top customer support at Langmeier Software, making him the best person to talk to about Langmeier backup backup solutions.

Phone: +41 44 861 15 70

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This article covers:
Website operators
Over-Setup for Langmeier Backup Resellers
Cooperation instead of competition with Langmeier Backup
Reaching out to customers with customized Langmeier backup trial versions