Langmeier Software Magazine

Working in a startup is cooler

You are part of a company you build together and enjoy great freedoms along the way - this feeling is one of the reasons why more and more people prefer working in a startup company.

Starting a career is not always easy. If unumerous applications end with a rejection, hoften lack of work experience is the reason. A good way to successfully and quickly get started after graduation is to work for a startup.

A startup is a newly founded company that is often characterized by an innovative business idea. Startups allow many college graduates to enter the workforce.

There are many reasons for graduates to start in such young companies. One distinct advantage is that a startup is not looking for employees with years of work experience. Also, final grades are usually not a priority. Above all, the candidate must be committed and fit into the team. Young companies have flat hierarchies and everyone pitches in. As a result, the learning curve is steep, the variety of tasks is high and the teamwork is rather relaxed.

Since a startup often has only limited financial resources at the beginning of its life phase, it usually strives for rapid growth. If the startup establishes itself in the market, the graduate has the opportunity to become a long-term employee. If the company fails, the graduate has higher chances on the job market due to the acquired skills and knowledge. In addition, working in a startup shows that the candidate is willing to take a professional risk. Startups stand for courage, willingness to learn and ambition.

Another plus point for a startup is the young company's desire and need to build a helpful network. The right contacts may help a graduate find a new job - sooner or later.

For those planning to start a business themselves, the experience of working in a startup can be very helpful. New ideas, struggling to find funding, and appropriate business strategies show how a startup can work or fail.

One industry that is very common among startups is the Internet industry. Here, there are always creative business ideas that have a high potential. Successful examples are Groupon or Facebook. There is also a high number of young companies in the marketing and sales industry.

Startups as a career entry for graduates are therefore a promising alternative to the mainstream and large companies. In particular, graduates who want to flourish in their work, learn a lot and develop themselves should consider this option.

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About the Author
Founder and CEO of Langmeier Software

I don't want to complicate anything. I don't want to develop the ultimate business software. I don't want to be listed in a top technology list. Because that's not what business applications are about. It's about making sure your data is seamlessly protected. And it's about making sure everything runs smoothly while you maintain full control and focus on growing your business. Simplicity and reliability are my guiding principles and inspire me every day.

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