Backup-concept - our articles on the subject

Langmeier Backup FAQ 11 January 2016
Simple copying is not a backup. But what is a backup? We explain the backup term and give tips.. Read more
Langmeier Backup February 13, 2017
Have you already created a backup concept? Are you familiar with backup terms such as differential backup and incremental backup? Read more
Langmeier Backup FAQ December 13, 2016
SSD is the new technology which starts our Windows in just a few seconds, but Perfect SSD are not yet, we explain what you need to look out for when backing up SSD.. Read more
Langmeier Backup FAQ October 10, 2014
When setting up backups, there are small details that are sometimes overlooked. We show you typical mistakes made during Langmeier backup setup.. Read more
Langmeier Backup September 4, 2014
Many don't realize how important their stored data is until the first system crash occurs and much of the data is lost. Take preventative measures. Read more
Langmeier Backup FAQ August 6, 2012
The term "backup" is synonymous with "backup copy" in computing. However, a single copy of a file is not a backup. A reasonable backup requires, among other things, at least three copies on different media. Read more
Langmeier Backup FAQ August 24, 2012
In Langmeier Backup, backup folders can be created dynamically. For example, always back up data to the folder for the current day of the week. Read more
Langmeier Backup May 9, 2014
Data is the real asset of any business. We've put together four questions you can ask your IT admin about backup. Read more