Langmeier Backup

This is how important data backup is in real life

Bei einer Datensicherung muss man an vieles denken. Dieser Artikel unterstützt Sie dabei.This is how data backup really works. A stocktaking.

Why do you need a data backup?

It can happen at any time: A crash on the hard disk and nothing exists anymore of what was there before. In case this happens, you should take appropriate preventive measures. The most important protective measure is the creation of a data backup.

Essential: A proper data backup includes more than just copying the files. For example, what good is a backup in the rare event that your business or workplace is the victim of a fire and your backup hard disk in the drawer of your desk is also burned: there is only a small chance, but the damage is all the greater!

Read on and learn how to backup data professionally and correctly. Make these methods your own, regardless of whether you back up your data with our award-winning backup software Langmeier Backup or use other software for this purpose. However, we have integrated much of what is described here into our backup software, which will help you not to forget anything important in the data backup process.

Why is data backup essential?

If you don't protect yourself and don't create a backup, you can expect a total loss. Data recovery companies that could still rescue the undamaged data from the disk are not something most people will hire, as data recovery can quickly cost thousands of dollars. Even then, there is no guarantee that all data can be recovered. Take the first step today, and protect yourself from potential data loss.

Here you can familiarizeyourself withdata backup with Langmeier Backup and you can test our data backup software free of charge and without obligation for 30 days before you decide to buy.

The most important measure is to make regular data backups. Once you have installed Langmeier Backup and set up the backup, we recommend that you at least familiarize yourself with the 3-2-1 data backup rule so that you have performed your backup correctly and safely.

What reasons can lead to data loss?

Everyone hopes it won't happen, but it can happen to anyone: The hard drive fails. Every summer in the hot months it hits some users, because hard disks are especially vulnerable in the heat. Hardware failures are often age-related damage to the disk's read and write mechanism. Enormous heat can cause the material to bend and the read/write head to hit the disk - the dreaded hard drive crash.

During a local thunderstorm, a power surge could wipe out the data on the hard drive. Moving the hard drive during operation can also cause a hard drive crash. Malicious computer viruses can cause data loss by deleting or modifying files on your computer. Intrusive hackers also often delete your data.

Human error on the part of the computer user also often leads to data loss: a file that would actually still be needed is deleted. Not to be underestimated are also errors that can occur in software used on a daily basis: Software errors can destroy documents.


Backup solutions for companies

For companies, data loss has serious consequences. Here, the loss of data can have an enormous economic impact, even though such damage could be avoided with relatively little effort.

Langmeier Software offers backup solutions with selected special functions for small and medium-sized companies as well as for larger corporations. Here, however, there are some important technical differences that can also be easily overcome with the help of the comprehensive software packages.

Even smaller companies often have one or more servers on which important data is stored. These include mail servers or special databases, but also the contents of software solutions such as CRM or ERP systems. Even if the servers fail, these must not be lost under any circumstances. At the same time, it is important that the backups are just as well protected against unauthorized access as the original data.

Langmeier Backup Business combines these advantages and, among other things, provides perfect protection against data loss with 256-bit encryption and optional data backup in the form of compressed and manufacturer-independent zip archives.

In addition, Langmeier Backup Server can be used to back up not only physical but also virtual environments.

Legal requirements regarding backup for companies

Accounting and other tax-relevant documents must be backed up and available to any auditors at any time. Furthermore, there is a legal obligation to archive certain documents, whereby archiving does not mean the same as data backup. Read the article "Data backup in IT basic protection", which will help you not to forget anything in your company when it comes to data backup.

Private individuals

Backup solutions for private individuals

It is an enormous pity if you lose photos, music or other personal data that was stored on a hard disk due to technical failures or other reasons.

Langmeier Backup Professional is ideal for demanding private users.

With it, you can synchronize your valuable data in real time during operation under the Windows operating system or create a backup at regular intervals. As mentioned at the beginning, the software also makes it easier for you to back up your data professionally and create more than just copies, for example, by allowing you to easily follow the 3-2-1 backup rule also mentioned earlier.

Langmeier Backup program can also save your emails, contact information and other things. Take the time to set your backup correctly at the beginning and from now on you will have the good feeling that things like emails or contacts, which are otherwise easily forgotten, are also backed up.

If now your computer is attacked by a virus or the data was not accessible for other reasons, you can now fall back on the extensive data backup and restore all data on the repaired computer.

Things to know about data backup

Backup best practice: What is a good data backup?

If you have created a good data backup, then you can answer yes to the following questions without exception:

Have you followed the 3-2-1 backup rule?

For companies: Have you created a data backup plan?

Do you know all data backup types and backup methods?

Are you clear which data belongs in your backup and which does not?

Do you know which backup medium best suits your data backup needs?

Purely basic: What is a backup? Here it is explained.

Data backup concept

Decide what kind of backup media you will use. Configure your backup on Langmeier Backup the way you like it: The backup could be started every week on Friday morning or whenever you connect your hard disk with a certain name. There are countless possibilities.

Backup types or backup methods

Learn the backup terminology of generation backup, incremental backup or differential backup, and full backup and decide what fits best in your situation.

Document in writing what you've decided. Maybe you'll discover an option that you weren't aware of but that fits well with your data backup needs? If you are the CEO of a company, record who is responsible for data backup, etc.

In detail, read all about the data backup concept here.

Don't forget to periodically test data recovery. If you do a file backup, go to the hard drive every now and then and check if all files are backed up correctly and can be opened. Check the logs of your backups every now and then - or better always.

But what about a Windows backup where you have created a hard disk image? Do you know how you would restore an operating system image in an emergency? For Langmeier Backup we have explained it here.

What belongs in the backup or what data to backup?

This question sounds much easier than it is. You will say: All my or all our data. But where is it stored? Do you want to backup your emails as well? What about your contacts? Have you also thought about the favorites of your web browser? With Langmeier Backup you can simply back them up directly in the backup job or you export the favorites regularly and make sure that these exported files are backed up.

In the document "Which data to backup with your data backup program?" we have compiled everything you need to decide about.

How can you protect your data in addition to data backup measures?

You should always unplug your computer during thunderstorms, and you should not use your computer during local thunderstorms, as a lightning strike to a power line can cause an overdose of electricity to the computer, resulting in data loss.

Do not expose your computer to direct sunlight. In the summer, it is recommended that you use your computer in a cooled room, or next to a fan. When using your computer on the first floor or basement, always place it on a table to protect it from possible flooding.

What backup media should you use?

The first thing you need to think about is where you want to back up data. When backing up data to CD or DVD, the storage capacity is deep, unlike the local hard drive. Consequently, you should opt for this method if you don't have too much data at stake.

An increasingly popular backup method is backing up data to an external hard drive. The big advantage of backing up to a hard drive is obvious: the storage capacity can be the same, or even higher, than that of the local hard drive. Also, backups can be triggered automatically without the user having to do anything. A disadvantage would be that even an external hard disk can suffer a disk crash and therefore you have to replace hard disks every few years.

We have created a comprehensive compilation of all possible backup media for your data backup here. Online options are also included.

Create backups automatically or manually?

What suits you more, we leave up to you. An automatic backup has the advantage of not being forgotten. When creating a manual backup, the advantage is that you have full control over when you back up your data.

Often programs, including backup programs, are automatically activated as a service without the user's knowledge and block resources. As a result, PCs become slower. But why are there backup programs that keep their programs running in the background all the time, even when no automatic backup is set up? That's a question for each manufacturer to answer. At Langmeier Backup, we let you decide if and when it runs in the background.

Many users wish to start the backup manually. So that they always have an overview of running programs and are sure which tools are active. It is obvious that in this case it is unnecessary for the backup application to run in the background. That's why Langmeier Backup is also programmed to stay running in the background only when the user wants to run automatic backups.

Backup when system is active or inactive

With Langmeier Backup you have both options.

If your system is active, then it is a normal data backup that you initiate yourself.

If the system is inactive, nobody is logged in and you want to run the backup during this time, then you have to run Langmeier Backup as a Windows service.

One of the criteria you could choose to start a backup is "work break", e.g. 15 minutes. Consequently, if no one has performed any work on your computer or system for 15 minutes, the backup will start by itself and Langmeier Backup will perform its work.

All details about running Langmeier Backup as a Windows service can be found here.

Backup Microsoft Outlook data

Backing up Microsoft Outlook emails is a breeze with Langmeier Backup. This article explains how to do it and answers in detail which Outlook items are backed up in addition to the emails during the Outlook backup and also lists the few that cannot be backed up for technical reasons. E.g. you have to make sure that you still save your email signatures separately, so that you still have them available after a data loss or when switching to a new computer.

Backup Mozilla Thunderbird data

Backing up emails from Mozilla Thunderbird with Langmeier Backup is extremely easy. Read right here how the Thunderbird backup works:

Click on the "Add" button in the job and select the "Email and Internet Favorites" entry as the source.

The following wizard will appear:

Thunderbird mail-konten-und-favoriten-sicherung

Select "Mozilla Thunderbird."

If you want to backup your favorites as well, simply run the same wizard a second time and backup them as well in the future.

Do you have any questions?

Carry out your personal backup software test. If you have any questions about the functionalities of Langmeier Backup, feel free to contact us at any time via one of the options listed on our support page.

Langmeier Backup

Backup for Windows

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About the Author Alexander Vogt
1st and 2nd level support

Our solutions make it easy to set up automations to minimize your workload and take efficiency to a new level. Every day, we strive to deliver peak performance and support you. As the leader for 1st and 2nd level support, I am your best point of contact for questions related to the implementation of our applications.



Further lookup: Data backup, Backup, Langmeier Backup, Langmeier Software GmbH, Automatic data backup

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This article covers:
This is why data backup is important
Requirements regarding backup
Data backup measures
Why data backup is important