Business & Artificial Intelligence

The future of leadership: digital overseers and artificial intelligence

In our systems today, we have a lot of data that a boss needs to evaluate employees. A good boss uses this data as the basis for his decisions and also draws the necessary conclusions from it. In teams where bosses ignore statistics and do not implement necessary consequences, this usually leads to inefficient and expensive work.

Will classic leadership functions of bosses soon fade into the background?

The introduction of artificial intelligence could lead to classic leadership functions of bosses taking a back seat. The digitization and automation of data evaluation and consequence drawing will create a "digital overseer" who will use data intelligence to ensure that teams work efficiently.

However, full digitization requires more than just collecting and providing data. The "last mile" of digitization lies in the power a boss can exercise over his or her employees, whether in the form of rewards for good performance or punishments for poor performance, promotions, transfers and so on. This balance of power encourages diligent work and customer satisfaction in many teams.

Software that independently evaluates data and draws consequences thanks to artificial intelligence is conquering this "last mile" step by step.

Companies that increasingly rely on digitalization and transform their personnel base into the digital crowd benefit particularly from this.

Employees who know that their performance is recognized and will result in consequences are more likely to perform as required, even if the boss is not constantly monitoring the team.

As a result, bosses gain more time to devote to important tasks in the business, such as developing business areas, acquiring new customers and developing innovative solutions.


In the future, the role of bosses will become less about purely "managing" and more about being role models and influencers. The introduction of digital supervisors and intelligent systems will allow bosses to focus on strategic and visionary aspects and manage their team more efficiently. This leads to a more productive and successful work environment for everyone involved.

About the Author:
Chief Digital Transormation Officer

Natalia Bobro is Langmeier Software's Chief Digital Transformation Officer (CDTO) and in this role has responsibility for the company's overall business development and strategy. As CDTO, Natalia Bobro focuses on positioning Langmeier Software as a leading technology company in software and services.

Under Bobro's leadership, Langmeier Software focuses on a broad range of business areas, including artificial intelligence (AI) applications, cloud services and enterprise applications. It invests heavily in the development of new software products and solutions, and promotes the adoption of AI & cloud services such as Cloud Backup, aBusiness Genius and aBusiness Suite.

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This article covers:
Digital overseers and their role in business management
Artificial intelligence in business
How artificial intelligence could change management
Leadership and artificial intelligence